Alexa Skill to get some interesting facts about technology in general.
Skill to explore some amazing facts about India! Just ask "Alexa, open facts of india" Or in-short, just ask, "Facts about India" You will be amazed to know these facts about India.
Let Alexa recite a poem for you! You can either listen to a Random poem or a poem of your favorite Poet from our large database of poets! From 'William Shakespeare' to 'Oscar Wilde' and many …
Get to know Pune, it's people: commonly referred as "Punekars!", their Wit, and loads of interesting stuff about Pune.
Alexa Skill to get some interesting facts about technology in general.
Skill to explore some amazing facts about India! Just ask "Alexa, open facts of india" Or in-short, just ask, "Facts about India" You will be amazed to know these facts about India.
Let Alexa recite a poem for you! You can either listen to a Random poem or a poem of your favorite Poet from our large database of poets! From 'William Shakespeare' to 'Oscar Wilde' and many …
Get to know Pune, it's people: commonly referred as "Punekars!", their Wit, and loads of interesting stuff about Pune.