Baby Stats

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Baby Stats

Our mission is to help make lives easier for new parents. We strive to be the most customer centric baby tracker with an extreme focus on privacy, ease of use, and adapting the product based on …

Publisher: Baby Stats Category: Health & Fitness
Alexa Skill Baby Stats
Baby Stats

Babies like stats! Baby Stats lets you track your due date, stool, wet, feedings, weight, pumpings, kick counts and sleep. None of them are required, track only what you want. Make sure to download …

Publisher: Baby Stats Category: Health & Fitness
Google Action Baby Stats
Baby Stats

Our mission is to help make lives easier for new parents. We strive to be the most customer centric baby tracker with an extreme focus on privacy, ease of use, and adapting the product based on …

Publisher: Baby Stats Category: Health & Fitness
Alexa Skill Baby Stats
Baby Stats

Babies like stats! Baby Stats lets you track your due date, stool, wet, feedings, weight, pumpings, kick counts and sleep. None of them are required, track only what you want. Make sure to download …

Publisher: Baby Stats Category: Health & Fitness
Google Action Baby Stats