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Si Smart

"If you have any problem when you use this skill, you can contact us with email : info@sismart.es Amazon Alexa and the Si Smart home products work together to help you control home appliance nice and …

Publisher: easy market trade SL Category: Smart Home
Alexa Skill Si Smart
Si Smart

"You can use the APP to control smart lights, smart plug etc smart device in your house by voice. Si Smart could control and scene your smart devices at home * Ok Google, turn on kitchen light * Ok …

Publisher: easy market trade SL Category: Smart Home
Google Action Si Smart
Si Smart

"If you have any problem when you use this skill, you can contact us with email : info@sismart.es Amazon Alexa and the Si Smart home products work together to help you control home appliance nice and …

Publisher: easy market trade SL Category: Smart Home
Alexa Skill Si Smart
Si Smart

"You can use the APP to control smart lights, smart plug etc smart device in your house by voice. Si Smart could control and scene your smart devices at home * Ok Google, turn on kitchen light * Ok …

Publisher: easy market trade SL Category: Smart Home
Google Action Si Smart