Anti-Joker is here to make your day, or ruin it; whatever you decide! Simply ask Anti-Joker for an anti-joke, something unfunny, whatever you want, and it will deliver. How many can you withstand? …
The Bad Weather skill gives you what some may call, 'alternative facts' about the weather. Give it a shot. Maybe Alexa will get it right? (.. don't hold your breath.)
Ask Alexa for pictures of foxes and you will receive!
Let Alexa pick the next smash brother for you to use! Will it be Mario? Maybe!
Wanna be refreshed this morning? Let Sunrise Compliments help you start your day right!
Anti-Joker is here to make your day, or ruin it; whatever you decide! Simply ask Anti-Joker for an anti-joke, something unfunny, whatever you want, and it will deliver. How many can you withstand? …
The Bad Weather skill gives you what some may call, 'alternative facts' about the weather. Give it a shot. Maybe Alexa will get it right? (.. don't hold your breath.)
Ask Alexa for pictures of foxes and you will receive!
Let Alexa pick the next smash brother for you to use! Will it be Mario? Maybe!
Wanna be refreshed this morning? Let Sunrise Compliments help you start your day right!