Get a random quote by a famous person by asking Alexa, ask random quotes to give me a quote or Alexa, ask random quotes for a quote or simply Alexa, ask random quotes a quote
Giving the astro hobbyist ability to get quick reference on what is the moon phase on certain date, or when is the next moon phase so they can plan accordingly for their star gazing activity.
The skill let's user check the meaning on some of the popular abbreviations such as LOL, ASAP etc... up to 10 character.
Get a random quote by a famous person by asking Alexa, ask random quotes to give me a quote or Alexa, ask random quotes for a quote or simply Alexa, ask random quotes a quote
Giving the astro hobbyist ability to get quick reference on what is the moon phase on certain date, or when is the next moon phase so they can plan accordingly for their star gazing activity.
The skill let's user check the meaning on some of the popular abbreviations such as LOL, ASAP etc... up to 10 character.