GigaElk Software

Alexa Skills
Google Action

Liste des Applications


Smart speaker debugging tool for developers. Repeats hardware transcribed text back to the developer. Useful for making sure hardware output is transcribed the same as test console.

Alexa Skill Debug-Bot
Debug Robot

Debug Robot is a Smart speaker debugging tool for developers. Repeats hardware transcribed text back to the developer. Useful for making sure hardware output is transcribed the same as test console. …

Google Action Debug Robot

Smart speaker debugging tool for developers. Repeats hardware transcribed text back to the developer. Useful for making sure hardware output is transcribed the same as test console.

Alexa Skill Debug-Bot
Debug Robot

Debug Robot is a Smart speaker debugging tool for developers. Repeats hardware transcribed text back to the developer. Useful for making sure hardware output is transcribed the same as test console. …

Google Action Debug Robot