Omkar R Panherkar

Alexa Skills
Google Action

Liste des Applications

rhyme battle

Rhyme battle is a game in which first you enter how many words rhyme battle you want to play, then game starts and alexa ask user what is the rhyme of a word. If you give correct answer you will be …

Publisher: Omkar R Panherkar Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill rhyme battle
nutrition info

Nutrition info is an alexa skill that will tell you nutritive value of food like how much calories one banana contains, nutrients in one egg. You just have to say alexa ask nutrition info, then alexa …

Alexa Skill nutrition info
dressing icon

Dressing icon is an alexa skill that can find for you perfect dressing combination you can wear for parties, office and parties. Like what goes best with navy blue pants and it will give you best …

Publisher: Omkar R Panherkar Category: Lifestyle
Alexa Skill dressing icon
rhyme battle

Rhyme battle is a game in which first you enter how many words rhyme battle you want to play, then game starts and alexa ask user what is the rhyme of a word. If you give correct answer you will be …

Publisher: Omkar R Panherkar Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill rhyme battle
nutrition info

Nutrition info is an alexa skill that will tell you nutritive value of food like how much calories one banana contains, nutrients in one egg. You just have to say alexa ask nutrition info, then alexa …

Alexa Skill nutrition info
dressing icon

Dressing icon is an alexa skill that can find for you perfect dressing combination you can wear for parties, office and parties. Like what goes best with navy blue pants and it will give you best …

Publisher: Omkar R Panherkar Category: Lifestyle
Alexa Skill dressing icon