
Alexa Skills
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Liste des Applications

Robo Trump AI Tweets

This flash briefing skill uses a deep-learning neural-network artificial intelligence engine to read Trump's latest tweet in a synthesized voice. Retweets and tweets that only include a website link …

Publisher: Plummet Category: Novelty & Humour
Alexa Skill Robo Trump AI Tweets
Notify me

Login at and send a message to your Alexa device. You'll receive a notification and you can hear the message by saying 'Alexa, ask notify me for my message'. Developers can …

Publisher: Plummet Category: Social
Alexa Skill Notify me
Robo Trump AI Tweets

This flash briefing skill uses a deep-learning neural-network artificial intelligence engine to read Trump's latest tweet in a synthesized voice. Retweets and tweets that only include a website link …

Publisher: Plummet Category: Novelty & Humour
Alexa Skill Robo Trump AI Tweets
Notify me

Login at and send a message to your Alexa device. You'll receive a notification and you can hear the message by saying 'Alexa, ask notify me for my message'. Developers can …

Publisher: Plummet Category: Social
Alexa Skill Notify me