OOPs expert is basically describes basic components of Object Oriented Programming and Designs. It emphasize basics of Objects, Classes, Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Analysis & …
SOLID Master basically describes five design principles of SOLID. Namely, these principles are Single Responsibility Principle or SRP, Open-Closed Principle or OCP, Liskov Substitution Principle or …
CICD Master basically describes important terminologies like Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and Build Automation. These are mostly used for DevOps.
OOPs expert is basically describes basic components of Object Oriented Programming and Designs. It emphasize basics of Objects, Classes, Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Analysis & …
SOLID Master basically describes five design principles of SOLID. Namely, these principles are Single Responsibility Principle or SRP, Open-Closed Principle or OCP, Liskov Substitution Principle or …
CICD Master basically describes important terminologies like Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and Build Automation. These are mostly used for DevOps.