Rachelle Rathbone

Alexa Skills
Google Action

Liste des Applications

Random Facts

If you're looking for a random fact all you need do is ask and Alexa will return one from a list of almost 200. All you need is Alexa, no additional hardware required.

Publisher: Rachelle Rathbone Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Random Facts
Dad Jokes

If for some reason you like dad jokes and bad puns then this skill is for you. See the example phrases that show how to interact with the skill. After hearing a dad joke, if you'd like to hear …

Alexa Skill Dad Jokes
Random Facts

If you're looking for a random fact all you need do is ask and Alexa will return one from a list of almost 200. All you need is Alexa, no additional hardware required.

Publisher: Rachelle Rathbone Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Random Facts
Dad Jokes

If for some reason you like dad jokes and bad puns then this skill is for you. See the example phrases that show how to interact with the skill. After hearing a dad joke, if you'd like to hear …

Alexa Skill Dad Jokes