Ask Alexa if the current date or any other date corresponds to an even or odd day of the year
Check what course is currently active on Zwift ( on a particular date. Thanks to for providing the schedule.
The Time Table Genius will ask you 5 different question from the time tables between 0 and 12. Try to answer all of them correctly!
Just say "Alexa, open is Christmas yet" to get how long you have to wait until Christmas.
Ask Alexa if the current date or any other date corresponds to an even or odd day of the year
Check what course is currently active on Zwift ( on a particular date. Thanks to for providing the schedule.
The Time Table Genius will ask you 5 different question from the time tables between 0 and 12. Try to answer all of them correctly!
Just say "Alexa, open is Christmas yet" to get how long you have to wait until Christmas.