Yashar Fakhari

Alexa Skills
Google Action

Liste des Applications

Random Number

Ask for a number of numbers, and Alexa will provide you with that number of random numbers. Each number that Alexa provides will be randomly selected between zero and 100.

Publisher: Yashar Fakhari Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Random Number
Triangle Fact School

This skill teaches you about triangles by telling you random facts about them.

Alexa Skill Triangle Fact School
Random Number

Ask for a number of numbers, and Alexa will provide you with that number of random numbers. Each number that Alexa provides will be randomly selected between zero and 100.

Publisher: Yashar Fakhari Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Random Number
Triangle Fact School

This skill teaches you about triangles by telling you random facts about them.

Alexa Skill Triangle Fact School