
Alexa Skills
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Zelda Facts (Unofficial)

An unofficial Skill. ITS ZELDA FACTS! Get a random Zelda fact each time you use this unofficial fact skill!

Publisher: Appalanche Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Zelda Facts (Unofficial)
Psych! Shawn says.

FINALLY! You can now have Shawn's crazy quotes anytime! Hear quotes such as 'Gus, don't be the last of the famous international playboys' 'Gus, don't be a rabid porcupine' And many more. Just say …

Publisher: Appalanche Category: Novelty & Humour
Alexa Skill Psych! Shawn says.
Zelda Facts (Unofficial)

An unofficial Skill. ITS ZELDA FACTS! Get a random Zelda fact each time you use this unofficial fact skill!

Publisher: Appalanche Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Zelda Facts (Unofficial)
Psych! Shawn says.

FINALLY! You can now have Shawn's crazy quotes anytime! Hear quotes such as 'Gus, don't be the last of the famous international playboys' 'Gus, don't be a rabid porcupine' And many more. Just say …

Publisher: Appalanche Category: Novelty & Humour
Alexa Skill Psych! Shawn says.