Love predictor will give you are percentage score out of a hundred on two names making it in the game of love.
Use Alexa to give you quick access to antonyms when you need them. Grow your vocabulary, impress your friends and neighbors and most of all sound like an English major.
Use Alexa to give you quick access to synonyms when you need them. Grow your vocabulary, impress your friends and neighbors and most of all sound like an English major.
Use Alexa to feed you imagination with words of wisdom in the form of quotes from famous people and movies.
Sometimes we need validation for the answers we already know the answers to. Alexa will validated those questions for you and help you sleep at night.
Ask Alexa for a bucket list item and it will be up to get it done. Over 800 ideas on how you can get you bucket empty (or full).
A random meme image is chosen and you supply the witty word or phrase. The resulting image and phrase are displayed on a compatible echo device or in the companion app.
Love predictor will give you are percentage score out of a hundred on two names making it in the game of love.
Use Alexa to give you quick access to antonyms when you need them. Grow your vocabulary, impress your friends and neighbors and most of all sound like an English major.
Use Alexa to give you quick access to synonyms when you need them. Grow your vocabulary, impress your friends and neighbors and most of all sound like an English major.
Use Alexa to feed you imagination with words of wisdom in the form of quotes from famous people and movies.
Sometimes we need validation for the answers we already know the answers to. Alexa will validated those questions for you and help you sleep at night.
Ask Alexa for a bucket list item and it will be up to get it done. Over 800 ideas on how you can get you bucket empty (or full).
A random meme image is chosen and you supply the witty word or phrase. The resulting image and phrase are displayed on a compatible echo device or in the companion app.