Brett Jackson

Alexa Skills
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Liste des Applications

Champaign Bus Reroutes

Ask Alexa to tell you if there are bus reroutes in Champaign, IL. Alexa will read back to you the current reroutes.

Alexa Skill Champaign Bus Reroutes
Champaign Transit

Use this skill to ask Alexa when the CUMTD bus departures are in Champaign.

Alexa Skill Champaign Transit

Get economic data from the Fed's FRED database. Try asking "What is the GDP?"

Publisher: Brett Jackson Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill FRED Data
Champaign Bus Reroutes

Ask Alexa to tell you if there are bus reroutes in Champaign, IL. Alexa will read back to you the current reroutes.

Alexa Skill Champaign Bus Reroutes
Champaign Transit

Use this skill to ask Alexa when the CUMTD bus departures are in Champaign.

Alexa Skill Champaign Transit

Get economic data from the Fed's FRED database. Try asking "What is the GDP?"

Publisher: Brett Jackson Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill FRED Data