Ask for a nutrition fact and receive it, learn something new every day to help with general health, diet and self awareness. These facts are about the body, food and how it can help or harm you.
This skill will give you answers to simple things like foods that help reduce anxiety and general information on stress and the hormones involved.
trivia about food facts and some history on people in the u.s. like Body Mass index
This will give you new daily ideas for snacks you can make in 20 minutes or less and take on the go during the work week. These are all reduced calorie recipes and great for anyone too busy to cook …
Ask for a nutrition fact and receive it, learn something new every day to help with general health, diet and self awareness. These facts are about the body, food and how it can help or harm you.
This skill will give you answers to simple things like foods that help reduce anxiety and general information on stress and the hormones involved.
trivia about food facts and some history on people in the u.s. like Body Mass index
This will give you new daily ideas for snacks you can make in 20 minutes or less and take on the go during the work week. These are all reduced calorie recipes and great for anyone too busy to cook …