
Alexa Skills
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Liste des Applications

Trivia Time

Trivia Time is an excellent way to study a bunch of true/false or multiple choice trivia questions that will impress (or annoy) your friends. To use Trivia Time, simply say " Alexa, open Trivia …

Publisher: hkennyv Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Trivia Time
Build a PC Sales

Welcome to the Build a PC skill! Here, you can find the latest and greatest online deals in computer parts. The deals are taken from subreddit. The skill will read …

Publisher: hkennyv Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill Build a PC Sales
Trivia Time

Trivia Time is an excellent way to study a bunch of true/false or multiple choice trivia questions that will impress (or annoy) your friends. To use Trivia Time, simply say " Alexa, open Trivia …

Publisher: hkennyv Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill Trivia Time
Build a PC Sales

Welcome to the Build a PC skill! Here, you can find the latest and greatest online deals in computer parts. The deals are taken from subreddit. The skill will read …

Publisher: hkennyv Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill Build a PC Sales