Hand picked passages from the quran recited in arabic, followed by the english translated meanings.
This skill will deliver a daily Islamic reminder of hand picked verses from the Quran. This skill will only deliver the english translation of the verses.
Escucha los tesoros del Corán en árabe con traducción al español
Quranic reminders plays a reminder from a collection of hand picked passages in the Quran in Arabic and English translation.
Pasajes seleccionados del Corán, actualizados diariamente en árabe y español.
Hand picked passages from the quran recited in arabic, followed by the english translated meanings.
This skill will deliver a daily Islamic reminder of hand picked verses from the Quran. This skill will only deliver the english translation of the verses.
Escucha los tesoros del Corán en árabe con traducción al español
Quranic reminders plays a reminder from a collection of hand picked passages in the Quran in Arabic and English translation.
Pasajes seleccionados del Corán, actualizados diariamente en árabe y español.