Jose Garrido

Alexa Skills
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Free Stuff

Ask Alexa for free stuff, you'll get tips on how to get free food or goodies just by asking regularly

Publisher: Jose Garrido Category: Food & Drink
Alexa Skill Free Stuff
Companies Facts

Go in a journey to learn how the biggest companies of today came to be what they are. From failed ideas to revolutionary pivots that disrupted businesses and shaped industries forever.

Publisher: Jose Garrido Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill Companies Facts
Free Stuff

Ask Alexa for free stuff, you'll get tips on how to get free food or goodies just by asking regularly

Publisher: Jose Garrido Category: Food & Drink
Alexa Skill Free Stuff
Companies Facts

Go in a journey to learn how the biggest companies of today came to be what they are. From failed ideas to revolutionary pivots that disrupted businesses and shaped industries forever.

Publisher: Jose Garrido Category: Business & Finance
Alexa Skill Companies Facts