If you feel bad just tell Alexa "this is so sad" and feel better immediately.
Plenty of Ron Swanson Quotes to make your day. Keep in mind: I regret nothing. The end.
The best of Ron Swanson now available in your daily flash briefing!
Do it like Thanos in Infinity War and wipe out Alexa with just one snap!
Stay reminded on how many days there are left until christmas!
Alexa includes information about the top five cryptocurrencies in your daily briefing. The information includes current prices in US Dollar and Bitcoin and the popularity of the coin.
Alexa brings you information for every cryptocurrency out there - current Prices - available and total Supplies - percentual changes - many more
If you feel bad just tell Alexa "this is so sad" and feel better immediately.
Plenty of Ron Swanson Quotes to make your day. Keep in mind: I regret nothing. The end.
The best of Ron Swanson now available in your daily flash briefing!
Do it like Thanos in Infinity War and wipe out Alexa with just one snap!
Stay reminded on how many days there are left until christmas!
Alexa includes information about the top five cryptocurrencies in your daily briefing. The information includes current prices in US Dollar and Bitcoin and the popularity of the coin.
Alexa brings you information for every cryptocurrency out there - current Prices - available and total Supplies - percentual changes - many more