Abre la skill y Alexa te dirá automáticamente cuántos días faltan para todos tus eventos próximos. Alexa también puede recordarte la fecha exacta de eventos específicos. Esta skill se creó usando un …
Next time you're trying to decide whose turn it is pick something or perform a task, just ask Alexa for help. For example, if you're trying to decide whose turn it is to pick a movie on movie night, …
Play a Mother's Day greeting card for a special Mom in your life. This skill was created using a Skill Blueprint. Your requests to this skill are not shared with the skill developer.
Abre la skill y Alexa te dirá automáticamente cuántos días faltan para todos tus eventos próximos. Alexa también puede recordarte la fecha exacta de eventos específicos. Esta skill se creó usando un …
Next time you're trying to decide whose turn it is pick something or perform a task, just ask Alexa for help. For example, if you're trying to decide whose turn it is to pick a movie on movie night, …
Play a Mother's Day greeting card for a special Mom in your life. This skill was created using a Skill Blueprint. Your requests to this skill are not shared with the skill developer.