Have Alexa say some quotes from Sartre, Nietzsche, and others philosophers. You can ask for quotes from, Nietzsche, Sartre, Kafka, Heidegger, or 'others'. Based on the Fact Skill provided by Amazon.
Get to know a different side of Alexa -- a more overly attached version of Alexa. Based on the Fact Skill provided by Amazon and Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme.
Unofficial League of Legends puns. Ask Alexa for some League of Legends based puns mixed in with some 'unbearable' puns from Volibear. Based on Fact skill provided by Amazon.
Have Alexa say some quotes from Sartre, Nietzsche, and others philosophers. You can ask for quotes from, Nietzsche, Sartre, Kafka, Heidegger, or 'others'. Based on the Fact Skill provided by Amazon.
Get to know a different side of Alexa -- a more overly attached version of Alexa. Based on the Fact Skill provided by Amazon and Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme.
Unofficial League of Legends puns. Ask Alexa for some League of Legends based puns mixed in with some 'unbearable' puns from Volibear. Based on Fact skill provided by Amazon.