Make and share quizzes with other Alexa players!
Hand off tasks from websites and apps to Alexa
Helps you get tasks done from the web using links and other web integrations
Alexa will ask you a few questions to determine if you are sober right now. However, remember that ultimately you are the best judge. Don't drink and drive!
In this turn-by-turn game, you start by picking one of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard or Spock. Alexa then announces what she picked (Alexa doesn't cheat!), and announces who won. Alexa also keeps …
Make and share quizzes with other Alexa players!
Hand off tasks from websites and apps to Alexa
Helps you get tasks done from the web using links and other web integrations
Alexa will ask you a few questions to determine if you are sober right now. However, remember that ultimately you are the best judge. Don't drink and drive!
In this turn-by-turn game, you start by picking one of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard or Spock. Alexa then announces what she picked (Alexa doesn't cheat!), and announces who won. Alexa also keeps …