Does Donald Trump like cookies? Hoow about ice cream? Fake news? Just ask and find out! Look for the Easter Eggs!
Say hello a new way today, try Say Namaste and Alexa will respond in kind with a wish for your day!
Start your day with Sat Shri Akaal and a positive message for your day!
Start you day with the Punjabi saying of Sat Sri Akaal and Alexa will also give you a motivational message for your day!
Does Donald Trump like cookies? Hoow about ice cream? Fake news? Just ask and find out! Look for the Easter Eggs!
Say hello a new way today, try Say Namaste and Alexa will respond in kind with a wish for your day!
Start your day with Sat Shri Akaal and a positive message for your day!
Start you day with the Punjabi saying of Sat Sri Akaal and Alexa will also give you a motivational message for your day!