Seafish Productions

Alexa Skills
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Liste des Applications

Name Rabbit - Pick a Random Person from a Group

Say you have a group of people and you're trying to decide who gets to choose what's for dinner. Or what order you you start in for your latest board game. Or who has to clean up the kitchen. Why …

Alexa Skill Name Rabbit - Pick a Random Person from a Group
Read the Doctrine and Covenants This Year

This skill lets Alexa read a daily scheduled passage from the Doctrine and Covenants. We start on January 1st every year and end on December 31st, so join in with us! Unfortunately Amazon has …

Alexa Skill Read the Doctrine and Covenants This Year
Read the Book of Mormon This Year

This skill lets Alexa read a daily scheduled passage from the Book of Mormon. We start on January 1st every year and end on December 31st, so join in with us! Ask Alexa every day to hear that day's …

Alexa Skill Read the Book of Mormon This Year
Name Rabbit - Pick a Random Person from a Group

Say you have a group of people and you're trying to decide who gets to choose what's for dinner. Or what order you you start in for your latest board game. Or who has to clean up the kitchen. Why …

Alexa Skill Name Rabbit - Pick a Random Person from a Group
Read the Doctrine and Covenants This Year

This skill lets Alexa read a daily scheduled passage from the Doctrine and Covenants. We start on January 1st every year and end on December 31st, so join in with us! Unfortunately Amazon has …

Alexa Skill Read the Doctrine and Covenants This Year
Read the Book of Mormon This Year

This skill lets Alexa read a daily scheduled passage from the Book of Mormon. We start on January 1st every year and end on December 31st, so join in with us! Ask Alexa every day to hear that day's …

Alexa Skill Read the Book of Mormon This Year