Abre la skill y Alexa te dirá automáticamente cuántos días faltan para todos tus eventos próximos. Alexa también puede recordarte la fecha exacta de eventos específicos. Esta skill se creó usando un …
Use this skill to keep track of chores that are assigned to each member of your household. You can ask Alexa to read the list of chores that are assigned to you each day, and you can log your chores …
Abre la skill y Alexa te dirá automáticamente cuántos días faltan para todos tus eventos próximos. Alexa también puede recordarte la fecha exacta de eventos específicos. Esta skill se creó usando un …
Use this skill to keep track of chores that are assigned to each member of your household. You can ask Alexa to read the list of chores that are assigned to you each day, and you can log your chores …