Vanshika Navya

Alexa Skills
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know universe

Ask for Universe Facts, and learn about black holes, planets constellations, galaxies and lot more. Universe Facts provides fun the whole family can enjoy and is guaranteed to make you smarter. To …

Publisher: Vanshika Navya Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill know universe
facts budapest

this fact skill will tell the user about some really interesting, funny and weird facts about the capital of hungary, budapest.

Publisher: Vanshika Navya Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill facts budapest
know universe

Ask for Universe Facts, and learn about black holes, planets constellations, galaxies and lot more. Universe Facts provides fun the whole family can enjoy and is guaranteed to make you smarter. To …

Publisher: Vanshika Navya Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill know universe
facts budapest

this fact skill will tell the user about some really interesting, funny and weird facts about the capital of hungary, budapest.

Publisher: Vanshika Navya Category: Games & Trivia
Alexa Skill facts budapest