1001Q is a completely FREE skill that serves as a perfect conversation starter or ice breaker for all occasions. One thousand one questions have been specially curated and crafted for maximum fun and engagement. Enjoy 1001Q with family over a dinner table or with friends over a brunch. One thousand and one unique, fun and thought provoking questions for all occasions.
How to enable 1001Q on my Alexa device? Simply say 'Alexa, Enable One Thousand One Q'
How to play 1001Q? Say 'Alexa, Open One Thousand One Q'
Here is how the game is played. 1001Q will ask a random question from 1000+ ice breakers and conversation starters, you now have 30 seconds while the music is going on to think about your responses. The fun begins when each one in the room shares their response with the group. You can say, Alexa Next for another ice breaker question.