If you are a member of 1st Arborfield Scouts at The Coombes in Wokingham, you can now ask Alexa what's happening this week at Beavers, Cubs or Scouts. Alexa will consult the Online Scout Manager (OSM) and tell you the events on the programme.
You can ask Alexa what's happening on a specific day of the week, or on a specific day, or next week, or this week or this coming week. Please note that Alexa considers a week to run from Monday to Sunday so if you don't get quite what you expect, try asking for next week instead.
Tip: Ask Alexa "What's On", "What's Happening" or "What's the Plan for..."
This Alexa skill was invented and crafted by Lara Button, aged 9 (with a little help from her Mummy) as part of her Personal Challenge badge at Cubs. If you find a problem, please let us know with a review, or through the 1st Arborfield Scouts Facebook group.
Coming Soon: * Speed optimisations * Interactive Alexa conversation to ask whether you're interested in Beavers, Cubs or Scouts
“Alexa, ask First Arborfield Scouts, what's happening at Scouts this coming ... ”