You and Alexa take turns guessing the names of US states, US state capitals and US presidents beginning with a selected letter of the alphabet.
Alexa will tell you when it's your turn. If you don't answer, Alexa will prompt you to respond for a second time. If you still fail to answer then the game will time out.
If you can't think of an answer you can say "Don't know". If that happens Alexa will win the game but she will also suggest answers you could have given so you can learn for future games.
You can select which letter to play by saying “Alexa, Play Letter" (then your chosen letter). For example “Alexa, Play Letter F” or “Alexa, Play Letter W”.
America Letters doesn’t support the letters: E, Q, U, X, Y and Z, as there are so few, or no, answers starting with those letters.
Rules for Presidents: ------------------------ 1. When guessing a president, you can say either the president’s surname, or their full name. So, you can say “Jefferson” for the letter "J" and “Thomas Jefferson” for the letter "T". 2. However, where the president’s full name and surname start with the same letter then only their full name will be accepted. So, you can say “Ronald Reagan” for the letter "R" but “Reagan” will only be accepted as “Ronald Reagan”.
America Letters Scoring System: -------------------------------------- • 3 answers in a row - Mount Rushmore president’s head is Theodore Roosevelt • 4 answers in a row - Mount Rushmore president’s head is Thomas Jefferson • 5 answers in a row - Mount Rushmore president’s head is Abraham Lincoln • 6 answers in a row - Mount Rushmore president’s head is George Washington
Premium Product ---------------------- There is a premium product you can purchase:
1 – Unlimited Time Expansion Pack: This is a one-time purchase. This permanently allows you unlimited time to make a guess. You can still say “Don’t Know” if you want to.
Feedback ------------- I hope you’ll love America Letters. If you have any issues, please let me know by e-mail at, and I’ll do everything in my power to make it better for you.
More games? ------------------ If you'd like to see more games by the author, just type "Drew Cosgrove" into the search bar on the Alexa App or Amazon Skills page.