Baby Name Meanings skill is for anyone wanting to research new Baby Names and their Meanings .
Selecting your baby's name is one of the most important decisions in life. A name has the power to lift and inspire your child, give them a unique identity, remind them of their heritage, and motivate them to bring pride and honor to their family.
So using the Baby Name Meanings skill has potential for achieving momentous things. Use it for the serious task of deciding what to call your precious child, the one who inspires you to be the best person you can be in their behalf . And even better....
Let’s make Baby Name Meanings even better! For every FIVE, 5 Star reviews this skill gets in the Alexa app, the developer promises to upgrade the skill with one hundred(100) new Baby Name Meanings. So, by leaving a 5 star review you tell the developer it’s worth putting more time and effort into development. Costs you nothing, and inspires further development... an easy win-win, right? Each new upgrade will give Baby Name Meanings more power to inform and enlighten.
And you'll find this especially exciting and valuable! - When we get to FIFTEEN, 5 star reviews we'll upgrade the skill with "Gender Search" so you can easily search names by girl or boy. When we get to TWENTY FIVE, 5 star reviews we'll upgrade the skill with "ALPHABETICAL SEARCH" so you can easily research names by the first letter. And this will really be outstanding... When we get to THIRTY FIVE, 5 star reviews we'll upgrade the skill by adding "NICKNAMES" so you can preview future prospects for chosen names .
So that's how you can easily do your part to help improve and motivate the development of this skill... cool, right? Now, go out and "make a name for yourself"! In the meantime, we'll get back to work in the Baby Name Meanings skill programming and research lab and get back to you with updates soon.