The "Badíʿ Today" action has details about the Badíʿ calendar which is the official calendar of the Bahá'í Faith. Days start at sunset so Badíʿ Today is customized for where you are. The first time you use the Action, it will ask for your location and remember it for the next time you call it. The Badíʿ calendar has 19 months of 19 days each. An additional 4 or 5 intercalary days are included between the last two months. For more details about this calendar system, seeí_calendar This Action also contains daily verses from the compilation of Bahá'u'lláh's writings in "Reciting the Verses of God". Sample phrases you can use with Badíʿ Today: Date related
- today's date
- get the full date as Shoghi Effendi described it
- list the months
- list the Arabic names of the months
- when is sunset? Special days
- when is the next Feast? Verse related
- what is today's verse
- repeat it 4 times
- read the verse 3 times Other
- get the date and the verse
- where am I?
- change my location
- help
- goodbye (Some additional search keywords: Bahai, Baha'i, faith, religion, God, badi)