## What does this app do? Category Game is a word game where you need to guess the category or theme that the words share.
* The app will give you three words, you need to guess the category that they share. The categories will be fairly broad, and will be one word, such as: metals, plants, or containers. I can repeat the category words at any time during the game, simply say 'repeat the words'.
## Ok, so how do I interact with Category Game?
* You: "Alexa, open category game" * Alexa: "Welcome...do you want to play a game?" * You: "Yes" * Alexa: "Here are your words: covey, grouse, jackdaw * You: "are these cities?" * Alexa: "cities is not it. The category starts with the letter b. Try guessing another category." * You: "repeat the words" * Alexa: "Here are the words again: covey, grouse, jackdaw. Try guessing another category" * You: "birds" * Alexa: "birds is exactly right! in only 2 guesses ...Would you like to play again?
And so on...
If you're very close to the target word, but not an exact match, I may also give it to you.