Request information for companies on the Companies House register.
This skill allows users to access public information from Companies House and the website. Take note of the Company Incorporation Number* you wish to know more about e.g. 01234567 or SC123456.
If you own or follow a certain company, Alexa will store your company so you can ask for details of that company. Perhaps you'd like to be told when the accounts are due, or when the confirmation statement needs to be filed. The Companies House skill will also tell you about the company's latest filing history.
Want to know details of a company? "Alexa, ask Companies House to tell me about <Company Incorporation Number>*" - e.g. 01234567 or SC123456.
Want to know who the officers are of that company? "Alexa, ask Companies House tell me the officers of <Company Incorporation Number>*"
What has a company filed recently? "Alexa, ask Companies house for the latest filings for company <Company Incorporation Number>*"
If you have a business or follow a specific company, store the company for easy access to it's information. "Alexa, ask companies house to remember company <Company Incorporation Number>*"
Now your company is stored get details about:
Your confirmation statement filing dates "Alexa, ask Companies House when is my confirmation statement due"
When the company accounts are due "Alexa, ask Companies House when are my company accounts due"
What are the most recent filings against your stored company "Alexa, ask Companies House to tell me my recent filings"
Want to hear some basic company details about your stored company? "Alexa, ask Companies House to give me my company details"
* <Company Incorporation Number> should be replaced with the incorporation number of your desired company
More info: There are no specific hardware or software requirements to use this skill outside of having access to an Alexa enabled device. This skill does not save any information outside of the user's saved company number if they set one.
“Alexa, ask companies house to remember company five four two two two”