Cross The Twenty is a counting number game and the rules are simple. The game start at 1 when you say start game and you may say one or two. and the numbers must be in counting order. Each person must say the number one more than or two more than the last one that the other person said.
For example, you say 1, then the alexa will say 2, or, 3. If the Alexa say 2 then you need to say 3, or, 4. Whoever says 20 first wins the game. User: my number is 1 Alexa: my number is 3 User: my number is 5 . . User: my number is 17 Alexa: my number is 19 User: my number is 20 Alexa: Congratulations! You won the game!
You can say repeat number to ask Alexa repeat its number. You can replay game by saying play again. At any point of game to stop the game say stop. Play this game many times and try to discover a winning strategy.