Daily Koan provides a new koan every day for contemplation, enjoyment, and meditation. These ancient zen riddles have amused and inspired those in search of spiritual fulfillment for millennia.
Whether you are a devout Buddhist in search of a touching off point for daily meditations or simply someone who wishes to connect with wisdom and beliefs from a distant past, Daily Koan provides a simple and enjoyable introduction to Zen Koans.
In addition to offering a chance to contemplate a classic Koan each day, Daily Koan also includes daily reflections on the Koan by 13th century Chan Master Wumen Huikai (Mumon Ekai) - one of the most influential Chinese zen teachers during the Song Dynasty. You can use these to guide your own reflection of the Koans or inspire new insights. Just say "Alexa, ask Daily Koan for commentary on today's koan" to learn more.
“Alexa, ask Daily Koan for commentary on today's koan”