What is a certain date plus or minus a number of days or weeks? That is the specific question this skill will try to answer.
If Alexa does not get all the information (date, operation, and duration), Alexa will ask for what's missing one piece at a time.
You can either ask one question and be done, or launch once and keep asking questions by altering any or all pieces of information.
Beware that if you only specify a month and a day, and the date has already occurred this year, Alexa will assume you mean next year. For example, suppose today is July 30, 2018. If you simply say "July first", Alexa will assume you mean July 1, 2019. To specify July 1, 2018, you can say "July first this year" or "July first 2018".
Nevertheless, as long as February 29 is not involved, the answer will be the same in any year. For example, July first plus 8 weeks will always be August 26th in any year, and the voice answer will omit the year if it's the current year.
Also beware that Alexa may not understand "last", "this", and "next" day-of-week the same as you. For example, Alexa interprets "this Tuesday" to mean "Tuesday of this week". By contrast, "this coming" and "this past" day-of-week have more definite meanings.