With the Deako Smart Lighting App for Google Assistant you can control your Deako Smart Switches, Dimmers, Scenes, and Zones with your voice. OK Google, turn on the Kitchen lights
OK Google, turn off the Bedroom light
OK Google, dim the Dining Room lights
OK Google, dim the Dining Room lights to 25%
OK Google, brighten the Living Room lights
OK Google, brighten the Living Room lights to 75% GETTING STARTED: Before connecting Google Assistant be sure you've completed the setup of your Deako products. You must log into your Deako profile to use this skill.
Tip: Google will recognize the names you've assigned to devices in the Deako App so be sure to pick easy to remember names.
Once your account is linked, tell Google to sync your Deako Smart Lighting devices by saying "OK Google, sync my devices". You can also use this command after renaming a switch in the Deako app or creating a zone or scene. TROUBLESHOOTING: - Google Assistant can't find the device? If you recently changed the name of your device, scene, or zone in the Deako app, you will want to synchronize your devices with Google Assistant. Say "OK Google, sync my devices" to keep Google assistant up to date with your changes. Google Assistant has trouble delineating between devices that start or even include the same name. For example "Kitchen Ceiling Light" and "Kitchen Sink Light" both include "Kitchen" and "Light", Google Assistant is likely to have trouble. Try keeping names unique, for example "Kitchen" and "Sink" will be more reliable. For help troubleshooting visit support.deako.com.