Dyson connected machines are engineered to be part of your Smart Home. And enabling this skill allows Amazon Alexa to link with them. That way you’re in control using just your voice.
To get started, select ‘Enable’ above and enter your Dyson Link app login details.
Once you’re linked to the Dyson skill, you can automate multiple actions using single voice commands of your choice. These are known as Routines in Alexa and can be things like switching your robot vacuum to quiet mode while you watch the television, just by saying “Alexa, TV on”. Or setting your air treatment machine to ‘Night Mode’ together with turning off lights, simply by saying “Alexa, goodnight”.
Try using these voice commands:
Alexa, increase fan speed on Purifier Alexa, turn on Robot Alexa, set mode to Quiet on Robot Alexa, set Oscillation to Narrow on Purifier
Amazon Alexa Smart Home works with the following Dyson air treatment machines and robot vacuums:
- Dyson Pure Cool Link™ purifying fan (TP02) - Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifying fan heater (HP02) - Dyson Pure Cool™ purifying fan (TP04 + DP04) - Dyson Pure Hot+Cool™ purifying fan heater (HP04) - Dyson Pure Cool™ Cryptomic purifying fan (TP06) - Dyson Pure Hot+Cool™ Cryptomic purifying fan heater (HP06) - Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool™ purifying humidifying fan (PH01) - Dyson 360 Eye™ - Dyson 360 Heurist™
“Alexa, turn off oscillation on Purifier”
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