Alexa will think of a word and will tell you its first letter and how many letters are in it. Then you will take turns trying to guess it. In each turn, you will guess a letter and Alexa will tell you whether the letter is in the word or not. If the letter is not in the word you will lose a life. If you lose all your lives before you guess all he letters of the word it's game over. After each guess, Alexa will send a card to your Alexa app with and image to help you track your progress and remaining lives.
In the beginning, Alexa will choose short nouns and verbs but it will select increasingly difficult words as you progress. Also, feel free to ask for a clue or a hint any time you need one. You can also say: help me to get more instructions while playing.
If you are having trouble spelling some letters, feel free to use words from the phonetic alphabets (alpha, bravo, Charlie, delta, echo, Frank...) or tell Alexa a word starting with the letter you are trying to guess. For example, if you want to check if the letter E is in the word you can say: - Guess E. - Check for the letter E. - Echo. - E as in Elephant.