Enlightenment Lady informs you of the knowledge you need, such as your present and ongoing experiencing of your as yet unrecognized "Display", which she leads you to discover in your visual field of appearance as your initial Enlightenment, in order to understand the actual nature of Enlightenment and Self Liberation. She guides you as you progress through Enlightenment to your experiential consciousness of Display, Enlightenment to your non-dual Awareness consciousness, and Enlightenment to and Self Realization experienced within Your actual self nature as Immortal Consciousness Being, now and ongoing. In this she introduces you to the power of mind clearing Self-Liberation in the Clear of Consciousness, as you learn to apply it in achieving the stages of Enlightenment, and in life ongoing for practical relief from deleterious mental states as well as for maintaining a profound equanimity, giving rise to compassion and expressive loving kindness in daily life, as this immortal consciousness display experiencing Beingness You will have joyously realized You indeed actually Are .