Join hosts KM, MBR, and Blake de Pastino as they take you on a journey through the history of life on Earth. From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age of Dinosaurs” -- right up to the end of the most recent Ice Age.
Dictionary meaning of eons: an extremely long period of time; thousands of years
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You will get to know about:
5 Unsolved Mysteries About Dinosaurs
A Brief History of Geologic Time
A Short Tale About Diplodocus Long Neck
Building a Mars base is a Horrible Idea - Let do it
Building a border at 4600 meters
Can We Get DNA From Fossils
Did Raptorex Really Exist
Eons Are Evolving Join Us on Patreon
FAQs From Our First Year
From the Fall of Dinos to the Rise of Humans
How 7000 Years of Epic Floods Changed the World
How Ancient Art Captured Australian Megafauna
How Ankylosaurs Got Their Clubs
How Blood Evolved Many Times
How Chilis Got Spicy and Why We Love the Burn
How Dogs Eventually Became Our Best Friends
How Earths First Unkillable Animals Saved the World
How Horses Took Over North America Twice
How Humans Lost Their Fur
How Plants Caused the First Mass Extinction
How Pterosaurs Got Their Wings
How Sloths Went From the Seas to the Trees
How South America Made the Marsupials
How Volcanoes Froze the Earth Twice
How We Domesticated Cats Twice
How We Figured Out Fermentation
How We Identified One of Earths Earliest Animals
How Worm Holes Ended Wormworld
How a Hot Planet Created the Worlds Biggest Snake
How a Supervolcano Made the Cenozoic Coolest Fossils
How the Andes Mountains Might Have Killed a Bunch of Whales
How the Egg Came First
How the Squid Lost Its Shell
How the T-Rex Lost Its Arms
How the Walrus Got Its Tusks
National Fossil Day Livestream
Our Bizarre Possibly Venomous
That Time It Rained for Two Million Years
That Time the Mediterranean Sea Disappeared
The 10 Largest Forests on Earth
The Biggest Frog that Ever Lived
The Case of the Dinosaur Egg Thief
The Croc That Ran on Hooves
The Dinosaur Who Was Buried at Sea
The Evolution of the Heart A Love Story
The First and Last North American Primates
The Forgotten Story of the Beardogs
The Fuzzy Origins of the Giant Panda
The Genes We Lost Along the Way
The Triassic Reptile With Two Faces
The Two People We're All Related To
The Two Viruses That We've Had For Millions of Years
The Weird Watery Tale of Spinosaurus
The World Before Plate Tectonics
Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery
Was This Dinosaur a Cannibal
Were These Monsters Inspired by Fossils Monstrum
What Happened to the Worlds Biggest Beaver
When Antarctica Was Green
When Apes Conquered Europe
When Bats Took Flight
When Birds Had Teeth
When Birds Stopped Flying
When Camels Roamed North America
When Dinosaur Look-Alikes Ruled the Earth
When Dinosaurs Chilled in the Arctic
When Fish First Breathed Air
When Fish Wore Armor
When Giant Amphibians Reigned
When Giant Deer Roamed Eurasia
When Giant Hypercarnivores Prowled Africa
When a Billion Years Disappeared
When Giant Lemurs Ruled Madagascar
When Giant Scorpions Swarmed the Seas
When Hobbits Were Real
When Humans Were Prey
When Ichthyosaurs Led a Revolution in the Seas
When Insects First Flew
When Lizards Took Over the World
When Penguins Went From The Sky To The Sea
When Rodents Had Horns
When Rodents Rafted Across the Ocean
When Sharks Swam the Great Plains
When We First Made Tools
When We First Talked
When We First Walked
When We Met Other Human Species
When We Tamed Fire
When We Took Over the World
When the Earth Suddenly Stopped Warming
When the Rainforests Collapsed
When the Sahara Was Green
When the Synapsids Struck Back
Where Did Viruses Come From
Why Do Things Keep Evolving Into Crabs
Why Male Mammoths Lost the Game TierZoo
Why Megalodon Definitely Went Extinct
Why Triassic Animals Were Just the Weirdest
Your Place in the Primate Family Tree
and many more informative capsules.