Event Logger saves all the events with event name, person, date and time when given by the user after invocation. It will be more like conversing with your personal assistant who takes care of Event Management. Event Logger can help you in keeping track of important Events in your life.
HOW IT WORKS: 1. To get started, you simply say 'Open Event Logger' and It will first ask you for the operation to perform: Add, Retrieve or Delete. 2. User can say any one of the operation to proceed. 2.a) User can say something like: "I am going for Meeting tomorrow at 5 PM" in order to add an event. This Skill will save that with all those details. 2.b) User can retrieve the event by simply saying: "Retrieve Meeting". 2.c) Deletion can be done by saying: "Delete Meeting". 3. User can Exit from this skill by saying either "Stop" or "Cancel" anytime.
Note: Thank you so much for taking a look at this skill and for those who are enabling it on their devices. We'd love to hear from you, and will do our best to make the Event Logger Skill the best assistant for Event Management for your fast-paced life!
“Alexa, start Event Logger”
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Ask Event Logger to log my new blood pressure is 120 over 80