Flair Pucks and Smart Vents work seamlessly with Google Assistant. If you have a Google Home, Android, or iOS device, you can control your Flair devices by voice. To setup, select Add->Set up device, and then select Flair. With Flair and Google Assistant, you can ask for current temperatures and set points for your Flair rooms. You can also adjust your set point temperatures and turn rooms on or off. To control your Flair system, just say the following - Getting the temperature: “Ok Google, what’s the temperature in the kitchen?” Changing the set point temperature: “Hey Google, set the living room temperature to 72 degrees.” Turning a room on/off (this will set a room to inactive and can turn off all IR devices): “Ok Google, set the bedroom to off” For more information on setup, please visit flair.co/google-assistant-setup.