You can ask Alexa for a rating for a given establishment by specifying the name and location (e.g. town/city, or first line of street address and city). If it matches immediately, you are told the rating. You can then ask for the full address if desired.
Alternatively, if there are multiple matches, Alexa will read a numbered list of choices. Confirm the number you wish to hear about by saying the number, and Alexa will give you the rating. At this point, you can then also query the address if you wish.
If you instead wish to search for places with a particular rating in a given location, you can ask Alexa this too, and get the same follow up information.
This skill uses the Food Standards Agency API to retrieve the data. The rating system from 0 to 5 is used in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Scotland uses the Food Hygiene Information Scheme, which is also accessible with this skill. Please see the FSA website for further details.
“Alexa, ask food hygiene to tell me about one rated restaurants in Cambridge”