With Frigeria you can keep tabs on what you put in or left in your freezer. Update Frigeria every time you add or remove a food in your freezer and you will always have the list of foods in your freezer updated. Request the list to know what you have in your freezer, search for a specific food to know if it is present. With Frigeria you will never forget the foods in your freezer.
ALL COMMANDS: > To add: freeze (food), load (food), add (food), insert (food), charge (food) > To cancel: delete (food), release (food), discharge (food), eliminates (food) > To search for a food you can use the following commands: in the freezer there is (food), find (food) > To get the list of foods you can use the following commands: tell me what I have in the freezer, freezer list, tell me what's in the freezer, tell me the foods present, what's in the freezer, freezer state > Quick mode: to enter up to 5 foods faster. Say "Quick Mode" or "Fast Upload" or "multiple entry" and follow the instructions, say "Add" when you want to stop. > Delete food by Date: say "Delete date May 20" for the current year or specify it if different from the current one. > Obsolete foods: if you have lost the control, say "Obsolete foods" or "forgotten foods" o "expired foods" to have the list of the oldest foods forgotten in your freezer. > Restore: you can delete all foods from Frigeria, when you want to start keeping track of your foods, say "Restore Frigeria" or "factory reset" or delete all items.