This is your Alexa Skill for Germany travel tips. If you plan to spend your vacation in Germany and ask yourself questions like: How to plan a trip to Germany? Where to travel in Germany? What is Germany famous for? Where to go in Germany in summer? This is the right skill for you - with the Alexa skill from German National Tourism it is now easier than ever before to plan a trip to Germany. The voice assistant provides invaluable tailor-made tips for holidays in Germany, including activities, sights and places of interest.
Alexa will show you must-see attractions for your Germany tours based on your interests and the type of holiday you are looking for – as well as coming up with a few insider tips. Make Alexa your personal Germany travel guide and let her provide you with your very own holiday suggestion!
The skill is aimed at all types of travelers: young and old, city lovers and nature fans, active holidaymakers and those seeking relaxation. No matter whether you are travelling solo or as a family – with this skill, everyone can find their perfect travel experience in Germany.
HOW TO USE: Start the Skill by saying “Alexa, start Germany Travel Tips”. Alexa will then ask you some questions about your preferences and interests. Just answer her questions and she'll give you personalized tips for your Germany tour. Special: Try “Germany Travel Tips” and find out how Alexa will give you some audio impressions about the provided activities, sights and places in Germany.
What are you waiting for? Come and discover Germany with your personal Germany travel guide! For more information visit the website: