It is great to have a grammar-checker near you who can check your sentence for grammatical errors. It is especially useful if you are trying to learn or improve your grammar skill. And just by keeping this in mind, we have created the "Grammar check" skill.
"Grammar check" skill not only checks the sentence but also explain the mistake, if any, and provide the correct sentence.
To check if the skill is enabled, just say, "grammar check".
You can Say, "ask grammar check to verify {a sentence you want to check}"
For example, "Alexa, ask grammar check to verify is birds flying in the sky". Alexa should reply, "The singular verb 'Is' does not appear to agree with the plural subject 'birds'. Consider changing the verb form for the subject-verb agreement. It should be 'Are birds flying in the sky?'".
To access help from within the skill, say, "Alexa, ask grammar check to help me".
If you face any trouble using the skill, feel free to contact us at "".