Alexa will think a secret word and you need to discover this word a letter at a time or just try to guess the entire word.
You can ask at any time a recap for what letters you have already discovered, unsuccessfully tried and how many are missing.
You can also get a hint just asking what is the meaning of the secret word.
To open this skill please say: "Alexa, open hangman game"
Once the game is started you can say:
- "Try letter c": to check if the secret word contain the letter c - "Try letter bravo": to check if the secret word contain the letter b - "Try letter house": to check if the secret word contain the letter h - "Recap": to check how many letters you discovered and how many to discover - "What is the meaning": to get a hint and let Alexa tell you the meaning of the secret word - "Try word cutter": to check if the secret word is cutter - "I give up": to get the secret word and start a new game
The game automatically persist its status and it allows you to continue previous game once you restart the skill.