Use 'Ask My College' for information about Hugh Baird College.
Once you’ve added Hugh Baird College's Alexa Skill to your device, you can then open the skill by saying: "Alexa, ask my college..."
Currently, you can ask:
"Alexa, ask my college when the next term holiday is" "Alexa, ask my college when the library opens" "Alexa, ask my college, how do I reset my password" "Alexa, ask my college, how do I report an absence" "Alexa, ask my college, how do I book a counselling appointment" "Alexa, ask my college when my next bursary is going to be paid" "Alexa, ask my college to tell me a fact"
We will be adding further information to Alexa in the coming weeks.
“Alexa, ask my college, how do I reset my password”